1 kg = 250.00 €
Ascophyllum nodosum, a wild growing marine algae with natural elements, low in protein and bio available. For your pets “the healthy bite from the sea” in their daily food. The product provides them extra energy and fitness which we wish sincerely.
The brown algae are not only very well-known since many years for dogs and cats as a mineral feed supplement but also with the special positive effects in the following fields:
- Reduction of stress
- Boost immune system
- Less diseases
- Activation of intestinal tract
- Better metabolism
- Healthy hair, making coating easier
- Reduction of allergic reactions
- Tendons, muscles and fascia
All these positive effects can be naturally seen within several weeks. Dogs and cats will be more well-balanced without changing of character.
Basic feel good conditions can be improved notwithstanding the dog’s or cat’s age. Also old friends take advantage with this “healthy bite from the sea”.