1 kg = 52.50 €
8 x 500 g containers are sufficient for one year for one horse up to 500 kg body weight.
A complete yearly cure.
Nutripferd™ is a compound feed for horses on the basis of marine algae.
Wild growing marine algae activate their positive characteristics. Users report the following:
Effective preventive of allergic reactions, even sweet itch, strengthening of immune system…
- Reduction of susceptibility to diseases
- Activation of intestinal flora
- Metabolism improved
- More beautiful coat within short
- Stress reduction
Practical proof was demonstrated with a field test :
- 1000 owners of sweet itch horses received in June 1997 Nutripferd™ for 3 months. For selection, a questionnaire was published in the famous magazine Reiter Revue, filled in and sent back for application.
- 800 final reports were sent back after 3 months showing a success rate of 72%. All horses were kept “as usual”, there was no restriction in breed or keeping.
Nutripferd™ can reduce feed supplements based on minerals or vitamins.
Literature note: Dr. vet. C. Olschewski Broschüre Sommerekzem.pdf
(in german)