Algifol™ for fruits


The recommended dosage for fruit is 6-8 x 0,5 litre/hectare/season or for smaller plots dilution 1:1000 and use of knapsack sprayer.

- 1st spraying in early stage
- 2nd spraying before flowering or fruiting
- 3rd spraying 4 weeks before harvest
- 4th spraying if needed because of draught, heavy rain or pest attack




Some successful examples of treated fruit with Algifol™ all over the world:

banana ananas

  • Bigger bunches, less fungicide, 8% more yield, reduction of Sigatoka
  • Citrus fruit like orange – increase in yield up to 18% and in sugar content 11%, lemon, peach, pomelo
  • Coconut
  • Grape, wine


Report from Cyprus “Mr. Andreas C. from Paralimni treated 6 acres of his 40 acres’ vineyards during the latest part of the growing season. Lot of problems of chlorosis and low production. After the 1st application of Algifol™, the yellow leaves turned green and the vines were restored to full productivity. Prior to 15th of July 80% of the grapes were harvested and delivered to the packing house for export.”

  • Mangoes
  • Papaya


Fruit size increased by 15-17%

  • Strawberries
  • Sugar beet: higher sugar content “Sugar beet has suffered due to the rough spring (…) After 2 sprayings of Algifol™ (1,5 litre per hectare) I could notice an improvement in the color and the vitality’s sugar beet. My field which used to have late harvest has become in 6 weeks the best sugar beet field nearby.” Mike B.


Click here to download the results of Algifol


Other fruit on which you want to use Algifol™?
Please do not hesitate to inquire specifically.



Algifol™ For vegetable For flowers For other crops Turf and Amenity Care
Algifol™ Algifol™ for vegetable Algifol™ for flowers Algifol™ for tobacco, cocoa and rice Turf and Amenity Care